Throughout the year, we find ways to invest not only in children but in families as a whole. The family has often been referred to as a small church, the place where children and parents together are formed and called to grow in faith in their everyday lives. Churches and families have to work together to form followers of Jesus! At St. Laurence, we want to work with our families to help them flourish in faith. 

Here are a couple ways we do that:

Family Church Nights

Together with Good Shepherd Lutheran, we organize bi-monthly family church nights.

Designed for young families, these gatherigs are joy-filled evenings of kid-friendly games, crafts, songs, prayers and Eucharist, followed by a pizza dinner. Our next family church night is September 28 at 4:30pm at St. Laurence Anglican Church

Young Parents small group

Parenting is hard! Amid countless demands, parents still need space for their souls - to pray, to build friendships, to laugh, cry, and learn together. Throughout the year, we gather (usually mid-week online) to connect and share the struggles and joys of life, faith, and parenting.

Interested? Please contact Jason to add your family to the mailing list to get the latest event info.